Aitch x Luciano - Baddies
Director: Liam Gibson @lgvision__
Producer: Jeanine Guerida @jeanineguerida
Production Company: LG Vision
Director of Photography: Krystian Winszewski @krystianwinszewski
1st AC: Jon Whetherall @jonwfw
2nd AC (Berlin): Ashton Green @ashton___green
2nd AC (Manchester): Alexander Stagg @alexanderstagg
Production Manager: Holly Fitzpatrick @producerholly_
1st AD (Berlin): Henry Heffer @henry_heffer
1st AD (Manchester): Holly Fitzpatrick @producerholly_
Gaffer (Berlin): Karl Ludwig Reuter @karlkraeuter96
Gaffer (Manchester): Benjamin Wong
Spark (Manchester): Eric Choi
Art Director (Manchester): Danielle Richardson @daniellerichardsoncreative
Art Director (Berlin): Andrea Palacios @andreapfff
Art Department Assist (Berlin): Charlie Köhler @charliekoehlr
Runner: Max Sandiford
Editor: Samuel Maton @samuelmaton
Colourist: Misha Kim
VFX: Pixal Media @pixal_media
Photographer: Christopher Werrett @christopher.werrett
Content Creation: Emily Pascal @emilypascal
Styling: @classicfootballshirts
Styling: Robyn Aston
Models: CeeCeemodels @ceeceemodels
Music Production: DLS
Label: NQ Records
Commisioner: Hari Sangar
Label: 2024 Infinitum Music under exclusive license to NQ Records